Watch this segway from the last post. Sausage comes in plastic, crimped tubes - like a giant meat firecracker. So does this beef. But it isn't just any ordinary beef - nay! It is 80/20 Irradiated Beef!
A superior product of the Russian industrial revolution... 80/20 IrB was developed for the cosmonauts, and now we bring it to your dinner table. To spread unpatriotic rumors that 80/20 IrB was the cause of all those cosmonauts getting testicular cancer (even the women) is treasonous!
Look, I see why they do it. I know it's safe. I know it's the store's generic brand... but would it kill them to market it a little better. What's wrong with "extended shelf-life beef". Or "won't go bad after a week in your trunk, in Tucson, in the summer - beef". Sometimes they just don't try.
Other thoughts will be added here:
- "100% Chenobyl Beef"
- 2x the legs = 2x as tender!
- 80% fat. Don't grease that pan - for your cooking convenience!