... that there is a search box at the top-left of the page? I didn't until I installed code from Purple Moggy and wrote 3/4 of a post out of excitement. So much for increased sleep leading to situational awareness... Incidentally I got on the search kick because I couldn't remember if I had shared the kumquat picture. Now you can all play a new game where you guess how many posts contain a word. Like "hernia". Oh the hours of family fun!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hungry and Desperate
- ...cooked a frozen pizza using an iron.
- Double desperate points if it was a travel iron.
- ...sustained yourself on Ramen Noodles and multivitamins.
- Double desperate points if the only reason you had the vitamins was because your mom gave them to you.
- Triple desperate points if you "cooked" the Ramen by letting it sit in the back window of your car until lunch.
- ...ate a pizza that was more than 7 days old.
- Double hunger points if it was at room temperature the whole time.
- Triple hunger points if it was stored in the top of your closet the whole time.
Please note, if you have ever cooked a substancial food item by wrapping it in foil and placing it on your engine block, you have too much time on your hands and are neither hungry nor desperate. Unless you are MacGyver. On second thought, if the food item is a stray dog, you may qualify.
On a serious note (cough) I want to share my solution to world hunger. Ramen Vending Machines. You've seen the machines that produce piping hot coffee fresh on demand. Picture that, but producing a steaming, hearty meal of delicious, low sodium, low fat Ramen Noodles!
Look - you, me, or anyone can buy a package of Ramen for about ten cents ($2 Canadian, 10^-4 cents Pounds Sterling). Think of how cheap it would be when buying by the truck-load for a world-wide network of vending machines. Now you can afford to have a soup kitchen on every corner! Picture the bright future - you could flip a quarter to a beggar on a cold winter's night, tell him to "get something to eat" and not feel at all guilty!
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Technology Gone Too Far
I got it going today obviously - the solution? Rebooting my phone. Let me repeat that. I had to power cycle my _phone_ for the software to work. Isn't this some sort of sign that our society has gone astray? Playing god with genetics is one thing - but when you have to reboot a telephone, you should stop and re-evaluate your grip on reality.
I warn you, this trend will continue. Mark my words - the day will come that your car won't start. You'll call OnStar and they'll instruct you to hit the "reset" button...
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Wild America
You know, I was worried that when I moved out of the rural countryside I would lose all the wildlife that tended to wander around the yard. I no longer have this fear because in all the years we lived "in the country" we never had this happen:
That is our livingroom window, and _that_ is a 6 point buck. I wish the picture was better, but I had to zoom so as not to spook him, seeing as how HE WAS STARING IN MY WINDOW! He munched on the bush and then moseyed across the front yard.There is quite a collection of animals around - like the contingent of squirrels that have a man posted outside every morning when I walk to the car. There is also a resident chipmunk that dwells in a stump and seems convinced that I am squating on his property. At any given time you can hear someone scampering through the leaves on the ground - causing the official theme song for our front yard to be that rap hit: Every Day I'm Ruslin'.
Case in point: I'm looking out my 2nd story bedroom window one morning, partaking for a moment in the wonder of dawn (well, pre-noon anyway) when I spy one of the afore-mentioned squirrels poking about in the lawn just by the porch. All of the sudden he explodes into motion, tripping over his own tail while scrambling into the bushes. I swear I could see his eyes bug out and heard a tiny "Oh, shit!"... Just as I'm trying to process the cause of such sudden panic, the answer arrives in the form of a hawk gliding by. This bird with a wing-span of three feet passes _below_ eye level right in front of the house - appearantly dead reckoning off the sidewalk. (whoosh). I am dumbfounded at this and experience one of those "point with your mouth open and look around to see if anyone else just saw that" moments.
In conclusion, if you are ever hiking up my driveway and hear something coming at you through the forest, relax - it's probably one of our harmless managerie screwin' with you. Like a gaggle of 19 turkeys.

Or it could be a rabid bear like the one that carried off the neighbor's kid. What - I'm joking... he wasn't rabid.
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Monday, November 27, 2006
A Web Hosting Tale
The amazing online site management tool which allows you to master your online web space and makes the technical aspects of running your site simple and seamless.
Well, that sounds like the cat's meow - and what's this? There is a button to "Test drive now!"... oh, well I must press the button... hmmm.

I thought about hosting with them anyway... but thankfully my buddy the internet showed me abysmal user reviews. Thanks buddy internet!
As a postlude to my tale - I chose Lunarpages as a shared host. Their ratings are unlike anything I've seen - and so far the experience and value has been stellar. Alright, I'll stop singing their praises - I'm just happy to have a hosting experience go smoothly.
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Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Pearls
Small, medium, or large. What's your preference? I hope they are low sodium, because I hate it when I get salty... errr. Hey, you think I'm a perv, do you see what the logo is?
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Faux Turkey
A Delicious Vegetarian Feast
Feast Includes a Tender, Juicy Stuffed Tofu Roast, 8 Delicious Cranberry-Apple, Potato Dumplings, Rich Tofurky "Giblet" & Mushroom Gravy, and Our Signature Tofurky Jurky Wishstix
Several things come to mind - foremost being, WTF are Tofurky Jurky Wishstix? Also, the massive vinyl sign is the latest evidence that this store's sign department has too much time on their hands (yes, I know for a fact that they have a multi-person sign _department_). Who exactly is the target market again? People who really want to eat animals, but feel the superficial obligation to avoid killing? Or is it people that aren't comfortable with themselves and their convictions, and want to keep up appearances for others? Way to compromise (yourself).
I'm not really picking on anyone (vegan or otherwise) - it's just that this is damn funny. It speaks to some greater irony in society. And let's not lose sight of the important thing - it costs $17.99! Better yet, make that $22.99 per pound ;)
Tofurkey - when only the best vegetable-mass, simulated pseudo-meat giblets will do!
The commercial cuts to a gaggle of kids around the table in uncomfortable sweaters - "Hey mom, more Tofurkey please!" (big smiles and clean plates held high) "Shut up kids, do you know how much this crap costs!? Go mash some garden burgers up into the shape of a bird."
Or should the tag-line be "Surprise, it's protein!" ? Either way I wish you - carnivore and vegan alike - a Happy Thanksgiving!
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Professional Arsonist
- Jack Flash, Fire Coordinator
- We bring good things alight.
- Lots of things to destroy but don't have time to burn - let us help!
- Insurance Specialist.
I wonder if there is any significance to the fact that this was parked in front of the aforementioned meat market.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
At Night
Having to do a double take (get it - double take) on my own photos amused me, and so it made today's entry. I was thinking though... what else could you do with these photos? Some ideas:
- Create a series of postcards like "Bainbridge at Night"
- Frame all three separate pitch black photos, hang them in a pretentious gallery. Individually name them: Autumn, Fall, Summer
- Convince your friends that it is one of those 3D pictures - time how long they stare at it cross-eyed.
- Same as above, but take a picture of your friends and post it on a blog (then you have a truly funny entry)
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Expanding My Repertoire
I thought it was amusing (can you tell from my grocery store fascination that I am easily amused?) that I had no funny story to share and that this would be a purely informational message. (Actually, I do have a story that involves a beer bottle and a hard-headed individual, but that was more amazing that funny... especially when you learn how tricky glass is to clean up)
BUT... the world is a funny place and always provides humor if you are willing to laugh. So when I started to write this post, I blanked on the spelling of "repertoire"... I deserve some leeway since it isn't my first language and because I spell by rule - which is good in some ways, but sometimes causes problems. So after having no luck on M-W.com I turned to my buddy Google. And voila, I had a funny post. Complete with picture. I'm thinking screen shots will be making more of an appearance from now on. ;)

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Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I'll Stop Complaining
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Golden Anniversary
Honored as the best tasting American lager at the 1987 Great American Beer Festival.
... and it has been sitting on this grocery shelf at room temperature ever since.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Switch to Beta
If things start to look different, it's because I just switched to the Beta upgrade to the blog (they finally promised mobile posting capabilities). On a different note, it listed my number of posts. Prior to this message I had 69 posts ;) (divinely inspired or juvenile - you decide)
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Prada Glasses
This gem of advertising was in the mall. I have come to the realization that I am not their target market. Perhaps if they added a tagline to clarify their ad's message:
- Prada - "Pissed" is the new "Happy".
- 9 out of 10 Brides of Frankenstein prefer Prada glasses.
- If they can't see your bloodshot eyes they'll never know you are hung over.
- Cool enough to race motorcycles. Too cool for a helmet.
- We make your head look smaller.
- Prada GhostShades: for the balding albino woman in you.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Louisiana Supreme
Louisiana - world famous for their Asian cuisine. By the way, what is up with that mug?
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Bathroom Wisdom 3
God loves you - John 3:16
I know, I know - I was too lazy to rotate the picture and re-upload it. That faint text above the tile may prove that it is god, not Burton Snowboards that loves you more. Moses brought the word of our lord down on stone tablets, so it is nice to see someone continuing the noble tradition of spreading the message. Personally, I would have chosen a more targeted inspiration, such as:
God provides relief for the burdened.
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Fun With Natural Gas
Oh, by the way, it's 12/3/2006 and I thought you might like an update on what I learned from this experience...

Namely, 4 is at least twice as good as 2! Now for some physics theory. Theoretically natural gas is lighter than air, so you could probably use these spouts to fill a milk jug with gas. Theoretically I bet you could quickly hold the jug under a match, turn out the lights, and squeeze the jug. One could imagine how this would create a giant fireball. One could also hypothesize that a simple camera phone might have difficulty capturing a fireball in pitch black. For more details, please visit this web-site..
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As you may be able to tell by the security tag across the picture, this is a real product. Cool or totally stupid? Hmmm... never have I felt like I was out of a world movement quite like not having an i-Pod. Actually, to be technical I do have one here. And BTW, it works - I checked ;)
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Thursday, November 09, 2006
You Know What Isn't Funny
Thank you :)
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Bathroom Wisdom 2
This has really rang true throughout my life...
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Friday, November 03, 2006
Down at the Dealership 2
Come on down, we have transportation to match _any_ budget! Financing available.
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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Generic Brand
Of all the things to cheap out on. The only thing better would be a nice black and white package. Or perhaps a bin where you could buy them by the pound. What ever happened to those generic brands that came in the white packages and military quality text descriptions... "Beans, Baked - 1 GAL., Pork Enhanced"
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Manly ATV-ing
Once in the woods out of sight, your hunting buddies will shoot you for being a ninny. At least you will die with cozy hands.
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