Friday, December 21, 2007

It's got what plants crave

There is a pop culture god and he has answered my prayers. In case I haven't mentioned it yet, one of the foremost influences in my life when I think about the future is the movie Idiocracy. If you find my blog at all amusing and have yet to see this movie, stop. Step away from your computer (or overly complicated telecommunications device of choice) and go rent this movie.

Yes, you will laugh. But you will also develop a serious fear for the future of humanity. And you will want to have a kid - or 4 - just to win the breeding war. Confused? You shouldn't be, because if you have yet to see the movie I have already instructed you to drop everything and go see it.

It will give you an appreciation for the value of global education - and a slight aversion to ubiquitous advertising.

Like say TV ads on my orange:

Or on parking lot lines:

1 comment:

frosty said...

I just realized - both of my pictures (from different times and different states) are from PBS. They must be making it a policy to advertise outside the box...