Ha-Ha! I have your number Little Debbie... It was only a matter of time before that redhead stopped hiding behind her wholesome image and came right out with it! I knew she would tire of selling Cosmic Brownies and Oatmeal Creme Pies.
You think you could ease the clueless public into eating your blasphemous confections... with your "Devil Cremes Cakes" and now this! Why don't you call them what you really mean... Satan Squares! Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes Little Debbie - I see you as the dark lord worshipper that you are - even if you do try and cover it up by selling "Angel Food Cakes"...
Now that I'm done with my Scooby-style unmasking, let me point out that Little Debbie is also sponsoring NASCAR vehicle #21.

Several things on this... At first snack cakes seemed incongruous with NASCAR, but then I thought about it... who is the target market for Little Debbie? I mean, between Budweisers the fans sometimes tire of pork-rinds and might crave something sweet. A brilliant move on their part.
Did anyone notice that #21 is co-sponsored by the Air Force? Should a branch of the world's most powerful military force really be playing (small) second fiddle to a girl in a bonnet? Shouldn't the USAF have their own car - and shouldn't they be allowed to put an afterburner on it?
Here we are on the last lap of the Daytona 500 and the Air Force car #21 is in first place... as they come around the last corner it is a close finish with the Little Debbie car #666 coming up fast... Captain Richards, pilot of the #21 car accelerates into the straightaway and... oh, my... it seems the #21 car has taken flight. The #666 car takes that lead and will clench this victory. Hold on... it seems Capt. Richards has circled back around for a strafing run... it looks like he is too close for missiles... yes, he's switching to guns aaaand... yep he has just neutralized the Little Debbie car. Score another win for the boys in blue.
BTW, what must this sponsorship do for the manhood of Ken Schrader, driver of #21? I mean at least the guy in the Tide car has a cool color scheme... and doesn't have a little girl on his hood. Though, perhaps this has psychological value when passing other cars... maybe on the back of the car it says "you just got passed by a little girl in blue plaid".
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