Friday, October 19, 2007

Self-Inflicted Pain

I agree that gas prices are expensive... but putting that sticker on a pick-up makes you fair game for my blog sir. Perhaps I could interest you in something better? They are quite spacious if you look at the specs. What's that? You _have_ to have a pick-up to carry large items? Well, here is something even more economical.

Hey, my car gets 26 MPG on a good day, but I keep it for the over-all price (and if I every found a gas station with E85 I could pretend to be green). The owner of this truck is no better than you ladies who wear high heels and then gripe all day because your feet are bleeding. You know who you are. Accept the price of your decision or buy new shoes - just don't annoy me with your vehicle stickers. (note to self, start selling small leather-friendly stickers that say "Heels Suck")

So I was looking around a bit because of a comment - for the least fuel efficient vehicles to be produced. Interestingly that title is dominated by $100,000+ super-cars. The 2008 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe (a "mini-compact") gets 10/16 MPG.
This is on par with the 10 MPG most people see with the H2... "although General Motors does not provide official H2 fuel economy ratings".

Other interesting facts (from Wikipedia)

Critics have expressed concern at the fuel economy which they cite as being among the most inefficient of vehicles. The H2 is exempt from federal fuel economy standards because it has a GVWR of over 8500 lbs. As a result, it doesn't currently count against GM's CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) numbers. Since the H2 is classified as a truck, it is exempt from the gas guzzler tax.

Just to top it off, in the U.S. you can deduct the cost of the H2 from your taxes - since it is above 6,000 lbs. (obviously anything that big is a commercial vehicle). Should we blame GM? That's like blaming WalMart when the burden really falls on the shoulders of everyone that keeps shopping there. I'm not soap-boxing here, I think the whole H2 situation is hilarious... income tax deduction and no gas guzzler fee. Truth is always stranger...


Anonymous said...

We should randomly walk around and paste those stickers on all of the hummers we can find. That would be sweet. And, I don't agree with that high heel comment. You know who I am. XOXO

frosty said...

I has come to my attention that "XOXO" was _not_ intended as sweet parting regards per se, but actually drawn from a TV show and intended as sharp sarcasm in response to certain observations about masochistic shoe choices. Obviously this underhanded rebuff is being driven by acute podiatric discomfort. Though I am spurned, I can but feel for the plight of my attackers.