Monday, October 08, 2007

Computer Specialist

We are computer specialist!

This was from the gas pump LCD that usually promotes cheap milk prices while you ponder how much of your life is wasted waiting for gas to trickle into your tank. Like so many signs that seem out of place, there is a legitimate reason... But their grammar qualifies them for the "it would have been better to not advertise at all" award.

'Though I would pay money to be able to hack one of these displays...

  • "All your base are belong to us!"

  • "Lobster tail - 50% off"

  • "Thank you for supporting terrorism!"

  • "Al Gore hates you."

  • (fortune cookie randomizer)

  • "Did you gain weight?"

  • "You know you're pumping diesel, right?"


Anonymous said...

This is much better material!! Getting better Frosty, getting better...

frosty said...

I will let your implication that I have yet to reach a state of perfection pass... (squinting of eyes) for now...