Friday, November 02, 2007


Some would be surprised to know that I found this gem in the parking lot of WalMart. I was at a loss as to what message they were going for. Perhaps some punctuation would alleviate my confusion.

  • You are special, Jesus Christ. - meaning "as the only begotten son of our creator, you are one unique guy" or "that water to wine trick - that rocked"

  • "You are special." - Jesus Christ - meant as a direct quote from the savior (and despite his easy going manner, JC knew a thing or two about sarcasm)

  • You are special, Jesus Christ? - questioning or not believing the first statement

  • You are special? Jesus Christ... - an exclamation of utter disbelief that you of all people are to be called special.

  • You are special. Jesus Christ. - (the most plausible) an overseas bumpersticker manufacturer wanted something that would sell with the thoughtless masses and came up with "You are special". Upon seeing they had a lot of room left and no budget for clipart, they tossed on another dead-ringer for increasing sales. It barely won out in customer testing to "Pray for peace LINDSAY LOHAN"

And let's not forget - you are unique... just like everyone else.

What's that? Why don't I have something witty to say about the school bus? Well, in that case I CAN UNDERSTAND THE BLOODY POINT! Namely "School's in session - we don't want your minivan on the cover of the newspaper sporting a AAA sticker and the article title 'Vehicular Manslaughter Charged in Case of 4th Grader'."


frosty said...

And yes, it would be impolite to make "Rindsay Rohan" jokes...

Anonymous said...

Damn it!!! I was all lined up with a good LL crack, and you go and take a good funny away-

frosty said...

Please note, despite the vast volume of Lindsay Lohan jokes, I doubt there is a website dedicated to them.
Personal favorite?
"Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Too bad he never cries."
'Though the #1 on the website is now in the running.