Tuesday, April 08, 2008

In the News

Is there a blogger alive that hasn't drifted out of existence at some point - only to return all apologetic? Perhaps not, but most don't drift away for as long as me.

The truth is, I have been online this entire time - and finally disabled my StumbleUpon toolbar to free up some spare time. This was a short-lived victory since I was introduced to the "steam-punk comic" genre and have since spent every waking moment online reading Girl Genius thank you very much...
As of now, I am caught up and eagerly awaiting Wednesday to get my next fix.

On another note - I have lost my domain name through a process of neglect that I have perfected. It was scooped up by a cyber-squatter company, and I have no hope that it will be available any time soon. Maybe in a year. Maybe never. (shrug)

And to round out this update, I would be remiss to not point you to an article on the future of the internet. It is an intriguing tale from CERN of ultra-fast speeds and the mysterious Higgs Boson. Incidently, the Higgs Boson is proposed to be the reason there is mass, so perhaps if we crack this particle physics question we can finally find a cure for feeling fat! Look for the article headed "Super-Collider Blasts Love Handle Woes"!


Speroni said...

Welcome Back!

What domain did you loose?

Its funny, you view getting sucked up in something such as Girl Genius in a completely different manner than I do. You seem to treat it as an addicting waste of time... When I first came across it I read from beginning to current in a matter of two days of straight time, I loved it! Anything that can hold my attention and strip me from reality for a length of time is a good thing. I live for stuff like that. Work is just the crap you have to do in between to be able to pay for an internet connection and buy books.

I was recently lamenting the time that elapses in each comic. She runs down the hall and makes a left! -two days later- Its an old part of the castle full of traps -two days later- the little Wulfenbach wakes up (Shit no! go back to agatha) -three days later-... What happens!?!?!?!

frosty said...

I am definitely experiencing the "what happens next?!" phenomenon, but I have to admit - it makes me take in all the details of each page. Besides, it gives me time to get hooked on Buck Godot - Zapgun for Hire ;)