Wednesday, December 27, 2006

German Diner?

You know what pisses me off about the Nazis... well, other than genocide and global war... the way they ruined some things for us all. Take the swastika - a 3000 year old symbol of Dharmic religions... nobody can use it now without being looked at funny. Here's a few other things I'm ticked that they ruined:
  • Tiny moustaches (It's about the only facial hair I could have grown)
  • Indicating "he was about yay high" when talking about tall people
  • Guys named Sam Smith getting their initials tattooed on their arm
  • My faith in humanity
  • Knee-high boots

One last thing they ruined: the ability to laugh about a lot of things. The war was so terrible and far reaching - the topic so serious - you can't make jokes about a lot of things. Now I'm a guy that likes to be lighthearted about damn near anything - so that pisses me off. We should take a stern look at history and consider re-writing it to cast the Nazis in less of a good light. Wait... scratch rewriting history - that would be silly...

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